Smart Technologies For Traffic Management

Smart technologies are used by city governments all over the world for traffic management. These solutions save billions of dollars in infrastructure costs, while improving safety and reliability.

Smart technologies help reduce congestion through the use of the latest Internet of Things (IoT), which optimizes traffic flow and improves safety. These systems use a variety of hardware, computer software and cloud technologies to dynamically alter traffic lights and other elements such as freeway on-ramp metering, bus rapid transit lane, highway message boards, and speed limit signs.

Intelligent traffic lights can adjust green and red signal lengths in real-time, maximizing efficiency and protecting pedestrians and cyclists from collisions. They can also alert motorists to pedestrians and other road-users, give priority access to emergency vehicles and support lane-changes in an intersection.

These systems can react quickly to changes in traffic patterns. They can reduce waiting times at intersections as well as fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. These sensors and cell technologies can be incorporated into existing or new infrastructure.

Adaptive traffic management can also improve air quality, by reducing emissions and energy consumption from idling cars while keeping them moving. This is done by combining data from cameras, sensors networks, and cellular technology in order to dynamically adjust traffic signals, entry alarms, and express bus lanes.

It is vital that the network is connected to ensure all of this data reaches its intended destination. It must support large quantities of data, with ultra-low-latency and 100% availability.

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