How to Evaluate Board Portal Software

Board portal software allows directors to have confidential access to meeting materials and improves communication. A high-quality solution will only be effective if it becomes an integral part of the user’s job. It is therefore essential to assess the quality of support offered by a service provider, which includes training resources and one-on-one coaching for directors who are just starting out.

Security and Compliance

While the use of a digital board management software might seem risky, it is essential to choose a trusted vendor that has solid security features. Consider encryption protocols, two-factor authentication, and access control settings in addition to independent security audits and certifications. Before you purchase, it is crucial to determine whether the software used by the board portal is mobile-friendly and cloud-based.

Task Management

When you are evaluating software for board members, look at its ability to manage the tasks and assign assignments. It is not unusual for busy boards and committees to create many tasks, like reviewing loan applications and submitting grant proposals setting agendas for the next board meeting and the list goes on. The right software can help keep on top of these tasks and ensure that everyone is aware of their roles.

Board members might be reluctant to try a new system, especially if they are accustomed to papers-based materials. It is essential to review a company’s software, its level of support for users, and any training materials they offer. It is important to evaluate the software after it is implemented to track adoption rates.

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